Instructions for using this application if you are a NEW USER:

  • Click "Employee Self Service" at the top of the screen

  • Under "Company," select LIFE PATTERNS

  • Click "Create New User"

  • Create a unique Username (any combination of letters & numbers up to 20 characters. 

                    - CANNOT contain Special Characters: @!#$%^&*()-+= )

  • Enter your Employee ID (this will be emailed to you)

  • Enter your PIN (this will be emailed to you)

  • Create a Password

  • Confirm your Password

  • Enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number

  • Enter your Zip Code

  • Click "Create User"

  • You will return to the Login screen

                  - Enter the Username and Password you just created and click "Login"

  • Hover over "Employee" in the upper left-hand corner. A drop-down menu will appear.

                  - Click on "Check History" to view your paycheck history.

Instructions for using this application if you are an EXISTING USER:

           Under "Company," select LIFE PATTERNS

           Enter your Username or Employee ID

           Enter your Password

           Click "Login"

Your Employee ID and PIN will be emailed to the email address you provided on your employment packet. If you have questions or need additional support, please contact your Life Patterns office and one of our staff will assist you.  

To view your paystubs online, please click on the following link: